Free Audible Books & Huge Savings on Membership Right Now!

Looking for the best way to score FREE Audible books?!

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Here’s the HOTTEST Audible Book offer we’ve seen!

If you’ve ever wanted to snag an Audible Premium Plus Membership, we’ve spotted a hot deal just for you! Right now, you can score a FREE 30-Day Audible Premium Trial — you can even choose between a free trial of Audible Plus or Premium Plus!

You’ll get access to a huge selection of Audible Originals, audiobooks, and podcasts including exclusive series. And similar to OverDrive or Libby, members can listen to these streaming books anytime as long as they have an active account!

There’s no annual commitment and you can cancel anytime. If you decide to keep your membership after your free trial ends, you’ll be charged the regular subscription fee of $7.95/month for the Plus membership, or $14.95/month for the Premium Plus membership.

Audible Podcast

Check out Audible’s NEW Rewards Program to score FREE Audible books! 

Attention all Audible listeners! Through June 30th, Audible is helping you level up your listening with the NEW Audible Rewards Program!

This new rewards program is available to U.S. Audible Premium Plus and Silver Plan members AND you don’t have to do anything to sign up! As an Audible member, you’ll be automatically enrolled in this new program.

With this rewards program, you will receive a $10 Audible reward coupon for every three credits you use! You can earn up to four $10 coupons during the program. Once you achieve your reward, you’ll receive an email within 10 days. You’ll then have 14 days to redeem your rewards coupon before it expires.

PLUS, using credits isn’t the only way to earn! Audible will also offer special bonus challenges that give you the opportunity to earn even more! Just watch the Audible app for bonus reward challenges as an opportunity to earn more rewards.

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Premium Plus Members get more!

Audible Premium Plus Members earn one credit every month to buy ANY premium title. These audiobooks are yours to keep, even if you cancel your subscription!

Additionally, Audible Premium Plus Members get 30% off additional premium selection titles and access to exclusive promotions including a buy one, get one free sales!

Now would be a great time to take advantage of this offer to start your digital library at a great discount. You can begin your FREE 30-day trial today to see if it’s right for you!

We’re always on the lookout for awesome book deals for our readers…check them out here!

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